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Highways Engineer for Cranworth and surrounding parishes:


Planned Roadworks Notices

Norfolk County Council proposes to make a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (the “Order”) (STRO11993) affecting the C160 Woodrising Road from its junction with the C161 Southburgh Road for 150 metres north-westwards (the “Road”) in the Parish of Cranworth to facilitate BT pole testing works, the Road will be temporarily closed (except for pedestrian access) for the duration of the works/period the closure is necessary which is anticipated to be between 09:30 and 15:30 on 1 st March 2025, but may continue to be closed/restricted until the 12th April 2025 where the closure is still required beyond the anticipated dates.

Norfolk County Council proposes to make a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (the “Order”) (STRO11837) affecting the U35179 River Lane from its junction with C161 Church Lane for 1100m south-eastwards (the “Road”) in the Parish of Cranworth to facilitate Norfolk County Council carriageway patching works, the Road will be temporarily closed (except for pedestrian access) for the duration of the works/period the closure is necessary which is anticipated to be from 20th to 24th January 2025, but may continue to be closed until the 7th March 2025 where the closure is still required beyond the anticipated dates.

Norfolk County Council proposes to make a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (the “Order”) (STRO11995) affecting the U35178 Pittocks Lane from its junction with U35179 River Lane to its junction with U35177 Dereham Road (the “Road”) in the Parish of Cranworth to facilitate carriageway patching works, the Road will be temporarily closed (except for pedestrian access) for the duration of the works/period the closure is necessary which is anticipated to be from 5 th to 11 th February 2025, but may continue to be closed/restricted until the 25 th March 2025 where the closure is still required beyond the anticipated dates.

Use this link to report a pothole, obstructions, flooding, issues with manhole covers, broken signs, and general highway damage.


Use this link to search your area and see current roadworks as well as planned roadworks up to twelve months in advance.


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